Young Judges

The prestigious Young Judges Competition is held annually at the BSPS Summer Championships and is unique to the British Show Pony Society.  It consists of a team & individual competition.

Training can be attended by BSPS members of any age and we encourage you to come along.  Training sessions are run at various venues by an experienced judge and usually consist of various yard and stud visits.  The training and competition covers both Heritage and plaited ponies.  The sessions are designed to be fun, interactive and informative.  They focus on Way of Going, Conformation and Rules.

Team Competition: The teams will consist of 3 members. Members must have attained their 14th but not their 21st birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Individual Competition: Candidates must have attained their 18th but not their 24th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. The competitions will be run simultaneously.

Method of Judging: The Competition to be Judged as a Ridden Showing Class using the Marks System. Candidates will be required to answer questions on the placing of the ponies, way of going, conformation and Rules and regulations whilst judging.

Many of our trainee young judges have passed the adult assessment and are now very competent individuals on the Judging Panels of various societies.

2025 Training Dates will be advised shortly.